SnowGlobe.framework iOS Xmas easter egg, shake iPhone to make it snow

November 11, 2015

Update: Now updated to Swift 3 thanks to Ben Kreeger.

I don’t see anything wrong with falling for spirit of the holiday season and getting bit cheesy. Last year I wrote SnowGlobe.framework. Its easy to use, open source iOS framework written in Swift. Now updated for swift 2.0 and added Jingle bells sound effect. It allows you to add delightful / cheesy Christmas easter egg to your awesome app for holiday season. When user shakes the device, your app “turns into a snow globe”. Leveraging CAEmitterLayer to create snow fall, snow globe like animation while device is shaken. I am a sucker for that kinda of thing ☺️.

You can get it at github here.
Or using CocoaPods (“SnowGlobe”)
Read about how to integrate it in original post here.
Watch how it works in few of my apps below

You can now see in action in Memory game.
Sadly both of these apps are still in review 😡. So you can’t see it in live app yet, unless you build Github sample project. Merry christmas, thank you for reading !

#Blog posts, #Coding, #iOS Development, #Swift